Inspiring Youth Through Art: Amy Foundation Hosts Annual After-School Programmes Event in Honour of Youth Day

Cape Town, June 14, 2024 – Amy Foundation is thrilled to announce the upcoming annual performing arts event for its After School Programme (ASP) in celebration of Youth Day. This event will take place on Monday, June 17, 2024, at Bongolethu Primary School in Browns Farm, Philippi. Over 120 learners from six of our centers—Siyazingisa Primary School – Gugulethu, Bongolethu Primary School – Browns Farm, Philippi, Mimosa Primary School – Bonteheuwel, Bonteheuwel High School, St. Mary’s Primary School – Nyanga, and Cedar Primary School – Bonteheuwel—will showcase their unique dance techniques, including Traditional Dance, Pantsula, Hip Hop, Marimba Band, and Gumboot Dance.

The purpose of the event is to educate learners and celebrate the fallen heroes of the June 16, 1976 uprising. By engaging in the performing arts, the Amy Foundation’s ASP helps to keep youth off the streets and away from crime, alcohol, and drugs. This initiative not only provides a safe space for children but also equips them with skills and discipline, turning them into contributing members of society.

On June 16, 1976, thousands of students in Soweto, protested against the apartheid government’s decision to enforce education in Afrikaans rather than in their native languages. The peaceful protest turned tragic when police opened fire on the students, resulting in the deaths of many young people, including Hector Pieterson, whose image became an international symbol of the uprising. This day is now commemorated as Youth Day, honouring the courage and sacrifice of those young people and serving as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for quality education and equal rights.

“The purpose of the Youth Day event is to take learners away from community crime, alcohol, and drugs. Our mission is to keep them busy all the time because we want them to have a brighter future and be the leaders of tomorrow,” said Siyabonga Ngqame, ASP Manager at Amy Foundation.

“The reason we are part of the Youth Day event is to bring back memories of our leaders who fought for our freedom and education. Now, we can go to school without any interruption, and we have the right to attend any school of our choice without discrimination. The June 16 uprising happened here in South Africa, involving our African student movement committee members, such as Hector Peterson and Mbuyisa Makhubo, among others,” said Lakheni Banjwa, an ASP learner from St. Mary’s Primary School in Nyanga.

Amy Foundation celebrates Youth Day by honouring learners in the ASP as a way to recognise and support the youth’s achievements and potential. These programmes aim to empower children through education, skills development, and mentorship, aligning with the spirit of Youth Day, which commemorates the Soweto uprising and advocates for the rights and opportunities of young people.

The legacy of Amy Biehl, an American anti-apartheid activist who tragically died in 1993, continues to inspire and guide the foundation’s work. Her commitment to social justice and her efforts to make a difference in South Africa are reflected in the ongoing work of the Amy Foundation, which continues to change lives in the townships of Cape Town.

We invite the public, community members,  Amy Foundation graduates, and learners to join us in celebrating Youth Day on Monday 17th June. Tickets will be sold at the entrance for anyone interested in attending the event.


Emcee: Pisto

12:15 – 12:20 – Welcoming (5 minutes)

Host, Nwabisa Mazana, welcomes guests and introduces the programme. Brief overview of the event and its objectives

12:20 – 12:30- Opening Act (10 minutes)

Bonteheuwel Dance Group performs  high-energy performance to get the audience engaged

12:30 – 14:30 – Youth Uprising Production (2 hour)

Amy Foundation Performing Arts presents their production (Production inspired by true events and Sarafina) – Showcase of talented young performers

15:00 – Vote of Thanks (5 minutes)

Programme Manager, Siyabonga, thanks the performers, audience, and organizers

Closing remarks


“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”  Desmond Tutu