The Government extends its deepest and most sincere appreciation to all South Africans who joined the 2024 Presidential Inauguration in person, on television, radio and online to witness a very important and momentous occasion in our nation’s history. Your participation has been very instrumental in making the event a successful and memorable.

The South African Government also extends its deepest gratitude to all visitors and dignitaries who graced this auspicious occasion with their presence and support. The presence of all attendees added significance to the Presidential Inauguration and it showed continued commitment to the country’s growth and development. The attendance by various Heads of State and Governments was a testament to the solidarity and support the country receives from the global community.

Government Communication and Information System Acting Director-General, Nomonde Mnukwa said, “Today, we celebrated not just a new President, but a new chapter in our nation’s history. We recognise that this moment is not just about individuals, but also about the collective progress that we have made and continue to make as a nation. As Government, we will continue to work tirelessly to build a brighter future for all South Africans in the seventh administration and beyond.”

The Government of South Africa is dedicated to building a capable and honest administration that serves all South Africans, and remains steadfast in its mission to work together to overcome any challenges that face us.

South Africans are encouraged to continue to work with Government to strengthen social cohesion and build a united nation, where every citizen has equal opportunities to thrive.

Working together, let us continue to move forward with renewed purpose and commitment to build a better South Africa for all.

Enquiries: Nomonde Mnukwa, Government Spokesperson – 083 653 7485

Issued by GCIS
19 June 2024